as a teacher...

Teaching has always been a passion more than a profession for me. The spark in students’ eyes can’t be replaced with any kind of response you receive from any other professions. 

Common Features of My Classes

Integration of Technology

All my courses are supported with the most recent information technologies available such as mobile, web or application based. This will give you the flexibility to study wherever you are.

Research Based Methodoly

All my courses are based on research supported, academic knowledge. What you learn and how you learn are all carefully planned and crafted by me.

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Testing and Evaluation

Although most of the teachers and students know the difference between testing and evaluation, only a few of them know how important to use various evaluation methods and how they affect learning. I use cutting edge methods to evaluate and analyse the outcomes of my courses. During my courses, you will be evaluated and given feedback on a certain period of time to check yourself about your progress.

Extra-curricular Learning

Most of the learning occasionally happens out of the classroom environments. A teacher should make use of these incidents to support the curricular learning in order to save time and chances.

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Project One

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Project Two

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Project Three

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Are you confused with your studies?

Whether you are a teenager who is lost or a late boomer who wants to advance his , her career to the next level, I am here to help you to overcome your problems. As a senior learner who has studied in more than 4 different universities, worked as a lecturer in countless educational institutions, I will be happy to guide you through your studies. 

Together we analyse your individual learning situation in individual coaching and find out where your personal strengths and challenges lie. Building on this, we develop helpful learning strategies and methods as the course progresses. I help you organize your learning better and have a goal-oriented learning plan. I will also help you to concentrate and focus in a more targeted way. In coaching, we can work on test anxiety and blockages as well as making you braver in class and developing more self-confidence. Does your inner lazy-self constantly speak up? We will find a solution for that too! As a student coach, I work holistically and independently of the learning material. I help you to help yourself and it is my goal to improve your learning in three to five sessions. Afterwards you will internalize different methods to manage yourself and your learning independently and successfully.

Study Coaching for Students / Adults

Project Two

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There is only one thing that is more expensive in the long run than education, no education!

A person of interest who will be happy to inform you on matters of curiosity.

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